The translation provided by GonadoTranslate, a division of GonadoVision Inc.

"Good reception to my pagination of Tortillazo " says Pilar, " I am today going to show to him how to make a Spanish omelette genuine!"
"The most important ingredient of Spanish my omlette is the potatoes, because each omlette that you will require two or three potatoes. "
"Be sure of which you finally cut them in slices - but as thin as potatoes to the English of potato because you did not want that they were burned. Perhaps near 3 millimeters of thickness they must make the trick. Add a little you also salt."
"Now to fry potatoes - we needed the essential ingredient - the olive oil is safe to try to acquire the additional virginal olive oil then this one is the oil with most of the flavor."
"Under cold potatoes sliced in a little olive oil, being safe not to allow that they stick to the bottom of the casserole. Once they are smooth, you are ready for the following stage."
"Break some eggs in a source bowl. I recommend four eggs for each omlette. Batter them energetically together."
"Lift carefully the potatoes cooked outside the casserole that fries. Place in a board for the moment. Leave something of the oil in the casserole, we will need that more ahead!"
"Now it is the time to prepare any additional ingredient of which you can be that she has taste to have in his omlette - for example chorizo, a Spanish sausage done of pigs. Court any additional ingredient in small slices."
"This is here on the right stature of the slice, you see?"
"Now it places cooked potatoes and the chorizo in the mixture of the egg."
"And it again spills the whole portion within the casserole that fries. Fry by a while until he no longer small sticks to the bottom of the casserole."
"Then, the positioning of a board the cover of the casserole that fries, and to exercise the extreme precaution, gives the return to the omlette!"
"Again place the omlette within the casserole that fries the other way for above and fries until he no longer small sticks to the casserole."
"Serve with a little as salad and a little as bread, and perhaps a little good Spanish wine"
"I hope that you enjoyment of my Spanish omelette!"
"and if you do not have taste of it..."
